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Drug Charges

Drug and Trafficking Offenses

In-person, Virtual and Phone Consultations

Emergency Consultations

Strong Connection to the Local Legal Community

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Standing Up and Protecting Your Rights

If you were charged with drug possession, we will stand up and protect your rights, demand that you be treated fairly, and hold the prosecution to the high and exacting standards set by law. At Pratt & Wall, our attorneys have more than a decade of experience defending clients against criminal charges throughout Georgia and the Atlanta-metropolitan area.

The Experience You Need on Your Side

Have you been charged with a drug crime such as possession of oxycodone with intent to distribute or trafficking of heroin? Because of the serious mandatory minimum prison sentences these charges carry, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer right away.


You need someone who knows state drug trafficking offense laws and the dynamics of local courts. You need an effective attorney who goes to trial and doesn't rush to plead your case.

A Tough Stance on Marijuana

Georgia courts prosecute marijuana charges aggressively. While Georgia has a new medical marijuana law on the books, it is very narrow and allows patients to possess only low-level THC cannabis oils with a doctor's recommendations. Marijuana possession is still prosecuted in Georgia. Our lawyer has a thorough understanding of the marijuana laws and aggressively defends our clients throughout the legal process.

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(770) 614-4811

(770) 614-4811

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Pratt & Wall

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